It's all about being thankful!
I’m thankful for...
... my family back home. You are the best family in the entire world! Without you I would be nothing. I love you so much!
... my best friend Anna. We’ve been through a lot, both good things and bad things. Of all the people I could have met, I met you and you are my best friend. To the moon and back!
... all my other friends. Both here and back home in Sweden. Friends are everything, they make me smile, make me want to get up in the morning. Thank you all!
Not everybody is in the picture but I still love you! :P
... my host-family. They are taking such good care of me and we do it for almost a hole year!
... my pony years. They are kind of over when I get back home. But I’m so thankful for everything, especially what Ronda gave me. She will always be my favorite pony!
... for being thankful!
Thank you all <3
... my family back home. You are the best family in the entire world! Without you I would be nothing. I love you so much!
... my best friend Anna. We’ve been through a lot, both good things and bad things. Of all the people I could have met, I met you and you are my best friend. To the moon and back!
... all my other friends. Both here and back home in Sweden. Friends are everything, they make me smile, make me want to get up in the morning. Thank you all!
Not everybody is in the picture but I still love you! :P
... my host-family. They are taking such good care of me and we do it for almost a hole year!
... my pony years. They are kind of over when I get back home. But I’m so thankful for everything, especially what Ronda gave me. She will always be my favorite pony!
... for being thankful!
Thank you all <3
Postat av: Anna
I´m so very thankful (och här ger jag upp engelska) för att jag har dig! Helt sjukt att vi över huvudtaget träffades och blev kompisar, vi kunde lika gärna ha blivit "en random människa i stallet" för varandra!
I miss you a lot!
To the moon and back<3
Postat av: Sofie
Fint sagt! Jag är tacksam för att jag fått lära känna dig, och fått så många fina minnen med dig <3 Hoppas att det blir fler! :D
Postat av: Josäfin :>
Håller med dem över mig :D<3
Hmm vi borde ha tanksgiving hemma också, för att visa vad vi är tacksamma för! Hmm Du kansek kan ta och införa det? ;)