Feeling better! :D

Now I'm feeling a bit better from my cold :D It feels sooooo good! I hope its not just from my alvedon so I can go to school tomorrow. I've done all the reading for today and I've looking trough this weeks vocabword, they are so random this week! We are suppose to write a story with all those words in it, haha, this weeks story are going to be so weird. Whatever :P

Have a great one :D

Postat av: Elin


2010-09-21 @ 14:43:53
URL: http://stepintothesun.blogg.se/
Postat av: Linn

Tycker mycket om det du skrivit! Roligt att se lite prima saker och inte bara det generella sakerna som man kan läsa om typ alltid. ;)

2010-09-28 @ 15:39:30
URL: http://royalorchidholidays.se/hotell/

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